There are a lot of situations where filing your taxes yourself with some software makes a lot of sense. In fact, I believe most people can do this. There are some complicated business things that can make a CPA necessary. Also if you are in need of a lot of tax planning and strategy then hiring a CPA may be necessary. If you want to do it yourself, below is software I recommend.

Tax Slayer: Tax slayer touts that they are the least expensive of all of the major tax software brands. They have a classic version that is good for your run of the mill tax return. They offer a premium version where you can contact them via live chat and ask a tax pro. They also offer a self-employed version for all of you self employed professionals out there. If you have real estate, and all types of investment accounts, don’t worry. The software works great for all of these. Sign up here to get the best deal in tax return software.

Keeper Tax: Keeper tax is a little bit different than your normal tax software. This is something that a business owner or 1099 self-employed professionals would use. As you know, tax planning is a year round thing. Keeper tax helps you track all of your business expenses and miles so you get every write-off legally possible. When tax time comes, you can also file your return through them. Sign up here.